Jan 8Liked by J.R. Heimbigner

Well said man!

“Writing consistently is the key, especially if you want to write and publish a book.”

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Funny how many other activities get in the way of writing, but we kind of have to do them. Gotta engage on platforms. Gotta keep social media profiles updates. Gotta keep on top of the bookkeeping or we lose tax write offs. Gotta read other's pieces. Gotta upgrade skills by reading 10 other newsletters that claim to have the answers about how to run newsletters, lol.

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Consistency is not about perfection. Some weeks you'll put 90% effort. Other weeks it can be 50% 30% and even 10%

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I may not need to, but I want to, I enjoy it so much. That said, some days it's only 15-30 minutes of hustling, and the rest is life, but I always miss it.

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