Sometimes the best challenges are the ones that aren't planned, and this one may just be the most impactful challenge I've ever taken, all based on your article! Thanks so much Jack :)

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You are probably right! And I’m thankful for you and others getting excited about it. I feel like it spurs me on and is going to make a huge impact for all of us!

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Also, check your Substack DMs ;)

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On it!

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yes I agree! I read Michele's book last year and your challenge really sparked me to take massive action. I personally had to overcome the mindset that it's possible to make a living writing books. I appreciate you more than you know. We will be successful at this! I also love to be apart of an accountability group too

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It has been so fun to check out your books and write alongside you over the last few months. Challenging ourselves to a task like this is a ton of fun with other people!

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Apr 29Liked by J.R. Heimbigner

I love the idea. My concern is just how to effectively market all 12 books without overwhelming your readership.

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This is true. Though, shorter books may not be as overwhelming if they can easily be read in a month and then there is a new one available the following month.

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Apr 27Liked by J.R. Heimbigner

Love this, Jack! Awesome stuff.

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Good for you! I can't take part right now, but I may down the road. 😊

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You are a minimalist—maximalism. Yes, it's a new religion. Twelve books in twelve months. I get it. I thought I was doing well when I wrote 51,000 words in one month. Is it okay if I refer to you as M&M. Lol—best of luck in your quest. I would suggest one more book (well, maybe two since you can read mine starting May 12th, Life of Bāo). It could be titled The Agony and Ecstasy of Writing 12 Books in 12 Months.

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