May 29Liked by J.R. Heimbigner

Your posts are inspiring, J.R., thanks. I love the simplicity of micro book publishing. I’m still debating if it’s the right path for me, but I may make the leap soon. It seems like a great way to grow my agency business while enjoying a fantastic creative outlet.

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Writing some smaller books may be great options to almost create a business card for your work. Maybe each smaller books can help introduce people to your business or help give them an idea of what you can do for them.

Or you can just do it for fun too!

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May 30Liked by J.R. Heimbigner

Great points, thank you!

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Do you publish the same content on medium that you do on substack?

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Sometimes. Most of the time, I publish it here first, and then republish to Medium since I direct people to Substack.

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Being strategic about using your gaps is so underrated!

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Yep. Some of the little gaps create some of the greatest content.

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